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Discover the possibilities of our Digital Twin Platform. From custom digital twins to advanced generation of synthetic data designed to accelerate innovation and enhance efficiency.

Synthetic Data

Our Digital Twin framework enables you to generate synthetic datasets for your use case. Simulate rare events and edge cases. Generate data difficult to produce due to missing sensors or high costs of data collection. You will receive 100% correctly annotated data enabling experiments and insights into your problem that are hardly possible with real data. Data protection laws are not an issue with synthetic data, and the ability to experiment with different scenarios at any time is invaluable.

On-Demand Simulations

Evaluate system designs or previously unknown scenarios completely virtually. Develop and test your algorithms even before the corresponding hardware exists.

You need a simulation of your use case that you can interact with live? Virtualize your vision application as a digital twin that simulates the relevant data stream of your application so realistically that it can be seamlessly integrated into your image processing solution. Just as if the sensor were actually physically present.

Generative AI

Combining digital twins and generative AI models offers a powerful solution for creating sophisticated and specific datasets. This method enables the simulation of complex environments, objects, and scenarios, taking into account your own sample data. Embrace the future of data generation and transform your industrial processes.

Why synthetic data?

  • Data Scarcity: Overcome limitations in real-world data availability by incorporating synthetic data.

  • Rare Events or Edge Cases: Ensure that AI models can handle infrequent or hard-to-capture scenarios by simulating them.

  • Expand Diversity: Enhance the diversity of your datasets or simulate near-endless variations for not fully predictable use cases.

  • Streamline Development: Speed up model iteration cycles by generating data early and rapidly, thus reducing development timelines and costs.

  • Cost-Effective: Avoid expensive and time-consuming data collection and annotation efforts, saving valuable resources.

How does this work?

  • Simulation: We employ cutting-edge computer graphics methods to create simulations or digital twins for your use case.

  • Data Generation: Depending on the application, synthetic data points can be rendered or produced using our controllable generative AI.

  • Sensor Emulation: The simulation can produce various types of 2D and 3D sensor outputs tailored to match the desired model inputs.

  • Domain Adaption: To ensure optimal realism for the AI model, the synthetic data can be adjusted to align with the real-world data domain.

  • Model and Dataset Analysis: When available, existing models and real-world data can be utilized to perform a domain analysis of the problem.

Examples of our use cases

Robotics and industrial applications

Reusable data generation pipelines are perfect for industrial applications. By utilizing procedural scenery elements, physically based simulations, and advanced rendering and post-processing techniques, we can produce unlimited, highly realistic training data tailored to your needs. This approach allows for arbitrary variance across any domain your model requires for generalization, as well as simulations of edge cases to enhance your model’s performance.

Artificial Pixels - Synthetic Data

On-Demand Simulation

Another application of digital twins is the ability to interact with the simulation in real-time. Even during the planning phase of a vision application, developing a digital twin can provide significant value. Evaluate hardware and sensor designs, develop algorithms, and test integration into your infrastructure before the system physically exists. Your developers can quickly and easily test new scenarios and experiment with system adaptations completely independently.

Real footage & synthetic data fusion

By leveraging AI, modern computer graphics, and VFX techniques used in the film industry, datasets can be created or extended with nearly unlimited variation and realism at a fraction of the cost of multiple rounds of data acquisition and annotation campaigns. Your real data is used, and rendered content is seamlessly and geometrically accurately integrated. This allows scenarios and edge cases to be added to the dataset as needed, significantly enhancing its value.

Artificial Pixels - Synthetic DataArtificial Pixels - Synthetic Data

Generative AI

Our generative AI models are specifically designed for industrial applications, setting them apart from the more commonly known artistic image generators. By integrating generative AI with simulation, we provide complete control over image content through the combination of a digital twin and a generative model. This approach leverages the best of both worlds: the ability of generative AI to produce photorealistic images while ensuring precise control over every aspect of the image content.

Artificial Pixels - On demand twin